This week we travel to our past to save our future in the latest film from writer/director Bryan Singer, X-Men: Days of Future Past. While our opinions on it range all over the place, we all seem to agree that this new film, which is actually a reboot of the entire franchise, is better than we expected despite having some glaring flaws. I give my two cents on the Adam Sandler/Drew Barrymore comedy Blended and then we discuss the latest reshuffling going on over at Marvel this past week.. Remember to subscribe to the podcast through itunes and our channel through Youtube.
Watch our video reviews and get the episode time code after the break.
Episode Time Codes (AUDIO ONLY):
Introductions - 00:01:00
Weekend Top 12 with Brian - 00:02:30
Reactionary News with James - 00:12:00
Blended - 00:25:00
X-Men: Days of Future Past - 00:31:00
Spoiler section - 01:39:30
Closing comments - 01:49:30
Closing comments - 01:49:30
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