Hello there web-heads and welcome to your friendly neighborhood podcast where we give you the definitive run down on Spidey's latest big screen romp, Amazing Spider-man 2. From the controversial end credits scene, to deleted scenes and plenty of fan rage mixed with some fan love, you won't a more detailed discussion on Sony's latest attempt to cash in than right here. Remember to subscribe to the podcast through itunes and our channel through Youtube.
Watch our video reviews and get the episode time code after the break.
Episode Time Codes:
Introductions - 00:04:50
Weekend Top 12 with Brian - 00:05:40
Reactionary News with James - 00:14:00
Open discussions - 00:18:30
Brick Mansions - 00:30:30
Spoiler section - 01:06:00
Spoiler section - 01:06:00
Closing comments - 01:41:30
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