Trailer Watch is a first reaction viewing of the featured trailer (by me) where I give some light commentary and opinions on it. Trailers are a big deal, they are the first real impression a movie has on people and can have a huge impact on its success or failure which is why it is important for a studio to cut together the best possible trailer they can. While I do have some expectations or even some insight into many of the film trailers presented here, please take it all with a grain of salt and make your own opinion from what is shown (that is why I insist you see the trailer first each time). Most of all though, kick back and see if you agree with my off the cuff reactions. Watch the trailer and listen to my reaction after the break.
While we are still 6 (short) months away from getting our first new Star Wars movie in over 10 years, it still feels like an eternity to wait and J.J. Abrams knows that. So as he masterfully doles out new content for fans to salivate over we also get our first taste of what a non-Lucas Star Wars movie feels like and also what Disney has done with one of the most revered movie franchises of all time. The first teaser trailer gave us glimpses of something that looked like a Star Wars movie, but now with this second teaser trailer, we are starting to see those glimpses morph into something that resembles the type of Star Wars experience audiences expected with the prequels (something that grew up with them but still held true to the spirit of the original trilogy) but never got. Check out my reaction to the trailer now.