Here it is, Bits AND Flicks delivered to you as their own separate downloads!. It took us a couple of episodes to realize the best way to deliver Bits and Flicks to you wasn't to jam them together but separate them into their own entities so that you can pick and choose what you want. Plus we know it's easier jumping into a 60 minute episode as opposed to a 160 minute episode. The format of the show remains the same but how you get them is just a little easier now. Hope you like the change and as usual don't forget to subscribe! Listen to the latest episode, get episode notes and links to our subscription services after the break.
New Releases: 2:00
Videogame News: 9:50
What We've Been Playing: 47:00
Trailers: 2:30
TV/Film News: 1:03:00
What We've Been Watching: 1:29:00
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