Welcome to Backward Compatible, the place where old videogames become new again. Join us as we playthrough a select older videogame in an episodic format and give our impressions as we go. For our first game we have chosen Ghostbusters: The Videogame (2009). With the new film on the horizon we thought it would be a fun way to remember the original film and cast by playing through what many consider the unofficial Ghostbusters 3 film.
Not only can you hear what we have to say but now you can actually see our playthroughs themselves by visiting my youtube channel Gaming with Dweavis and my counterpart's channel at Madcap888. If you want to get caught up on the conversation then make sure to check out Episode 1 and Episode 2 first. Listen to the podcast and watch our actual playthroughs after the break.
For our third episode of our episodic playthrough of Ghostbusters: The Videogame we tackle the stages, History Museum and Return to Hotel Sedgewick. Join us as we run down all the ins and outs of both levels and give our highly objective opinions on how we feel about the game up to this point in general. Suffice to say that if you have been keeping up with us then you know what to expect by this point.
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