Welcome to Bits and Flicks, the podcast for gamers who love movies!
For this episode of Bits we have very little in the news department after our post E3 episode so we breeze right into what we have been playing. Madcap discusses his love hate then love relationship with the new game Rhythm Heaven Megamix and then explores his unhealthy attraction to Onechanbara Z2 Chaos. I chime in with my thoughts on the recent Resident Evil 7 demo and the slightly not so new Final Fantasy 15 demo.
For this episode of Flicks we soldier through some more uninspiring recent movie trailers and then go right into some recent TV cancellations (hope your show isn't one of them!). From there we go over your bi-weekly news filter with a trio of bad news for Star Trek fans and then conclude with some TV talk and of course tons of movie talk including Jake's thoughts on 10 Cloverfield Lane and my review of the new shark flick The Shallows among many more.
Be sure to visit our Youtube channels at Gaming with Dweavis and Madcap888 to see what we have been playing and listen to the latest Bits and Flicks podcasts along with finding subscription links after the break.
New/Upcoming Releases: 2:00
Videogame News: 11:30
What We've Been Playing: 30:00
Trailers: 1:30
TV/Film News: 22:00
What We've Been Watching: 54:30
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