Welcome to Backward Compatible, the place where old videogames become new again. Join us as we playthrough a select older videogame in an episodic format and give our impressions as we go. For this installment we have chosen the First-Person shooter survival horror classic F.E.AR. Leading up to (and possibly through) Halloween we will playing through what many consider one of the seminal horror videogames of all time.
Not only can you hear what we have to say but now you can actually see our playthroughs themselves by visiting my youtube channel Gaming with Dweavis and my counterpart's channel at Madcap888. Listen to the podcast and watch our actual playthroughs after the break.
Hey there everybody, we are back with another installment of our F.E.A.R. backward compatible playthrough! Interval 7 is our objective for this episode of Backward Compatible: F.E.A.R. edition as we find ourselves roaming through the corporate offices of Armacham in search of Alice Wade. Lots of replica soldiers, elevators and cubicles stand in our way as well as a new enemy type that is simply electrifying. Join us as Madcap and myself discuss our individual experiences with this latest chapter in our F.E.A.R. playthrough.
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