Hello and welcome to Bits and Flicks! After we go over your free games for the month of November we dive headfirst into your videogame news. Headlines include more controversies surrounding No Man's Sky plus Steams new policies that were spawned by those controversies, some Nintendo Switch info and the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog feature film. Then we go into what we've been playing with me giving my final thoughts on Until Dawn, the Dragon Quest Builders and World of Final Fantasy demos then Madcap's conclusion of his Campaign of Terror from his youtube channel with his thoughts on Fatal Frame 2 and the surprisingly good Dreadout.
Then in Flicks we give our thoughts on some new trailers including the Ryan Reynolds Sci-fi flick Life and the out of left field release for T2: Trainspotting. Then in your bi-weekly entertainment news we ask ourselves what a world without any new Uwe Boll films would look like and how we would feel about a new Rambo without Sylvester Stallone. Lastly we go over what we've been watching with me throwing some love towards Netflix with both Luke Cage and Black Mirror while also chiming in with my reaction to the latest Godzilla film Shin Godzilla. All that and plenty more await your eager ears in this episode of Flicks!All that and much more in this weeks Bits and Flicks!
Be sure to visit our Youtube channels at Gaming with Dweavis and Madcap888 to see what we have been playing and listen to the latest Bits and Flicks podcasts along with finding subscription links after the break.
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