Welcome to Backward Compatible, the place where old videogames become new again. Join us as we playthrough a select older videogame in an episodic format and give our impressions as we go. For this installment we have chosen the Oddworld Inhabitants game Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath. The last game developed by the infamous studio, Stranger's Wrath was originally an Xbox exclusive and despite receiving rave reviews upon release was a financial disaster but we can now enjoy it on multiple platforms in a new HD remaster which is the focus of this playthrough.
Not only can you hear what we have to say but now you can actually see our playthroughs themselves by visiting my youtube channel Gaming with Dweavis and my counterpart's channel at Madcap888. Listen to the podcast and watch our actual playthroughs after the break.

Episode 5 of our playthrough finds us on a new quest to seek out the evil Sekto who has a bounty on our head and take him out. With the help of some unexpected friends we battle our way down river to save the Grubb city of Last Legs before reaching our final destination at Sekto's Dam. Join us as we discuss our thoughts and remember to play along if you want. Thanks and take care!
(Part 14)
(Part 15)
(Part 16)
(Part 15)
(Part 16)
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